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eggs at 3 days
The female Gar will lay approximately 40,000 eggs in the wild. After trying to raise the captive fry, we understand why they have so many. Most die for unknown reasons, whether it be starvation, incest deformities or what have you. We have also witnessed some of the fry eating their siblings. Whether or not this is a natural occurance we do not know. Today one of our fry, approximately one week old, swallowed a sibling just hatching this morning. It still had most of its egg sac on it. Thus far the little canibal seems alright but looks as though he is in great pain from the large bulge in his middle and appears to be hunched over in his attempt to digest the rather large meal. Upon further scrutany we discovered that the one doing the swallowing had died, while the one having been swallowed was still alive and trying to get out. We will probably lose it as well.
The female Gar will place her tail near the plant and begin to gyrate in an attempt to lay the egg. The male places his tail near the females and gyrates likewise to spread his sperm on the egg and attempt to fertilize them. The eggs are laid clear and if they are fertilized will hatch in seven to nine days after being laid. The process of the fry maturing in the egg is truely a wonder to behold. As the eggs are clear, you can witness the growth of the fry from nothingness through its various stages until it hatches. The fry will usually appear to wrap itself around inside the egg, three times. Upon close scrutany you can even see the little guys eyes and snout. Although they are hard to see, Gar fry are born with the same needle sharp teeth as their parents. WARNING: Gar eggs are poisonous!! Please wash your hands thouroughly after handling them.

second day of hatching